About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2019

The Arrival of "Statelessness Studies"?, David C. Baluarte

The Right to Migrate: A Human Rights Response to Immigration Restrictionism in Argentina, David C. Baluarte

Do You Get What You Pay For? Comparing the Privacy Behaviors of Free vs. Paid Apps, Kenneth A. Bamberger, Catherine Han, Irwin Reyes, Amit Elazari, Joel Reardon, Alvaro Feal, Serge Egelman, and Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez

Procurement as Policy: Administrative Process for Machine Learning, Kenneth A. Bamberger and Deirdre Mulligan

Consumer Assent to Standard Form Contracts and the Voting Analogy, Wayne Barnes

The Paradox of Christian-Based Political Advocacy: A Reply to Professor Calhoun, Wayne Barnes

Reconsidering Christianity as a Support for Secular Law: A Final Reply to Professor Calhoun, Wayne R. Barnes

The Paradox of Christian-Based Political Advocacy: A Reply to Professor Calhoun, Wayne R. Barnes

Toward a Fairer Model of Consumer Assent to Standard Form Contracts: In Defense of Restatement Subsection 211(3), Wayne R. Barnes

Toward a Fairer Model of Consumer Assent to Standard Form Contracts: In Defense of Restatement Subsection 211(3), Wayne R. Barnes


Finn Murphy, The Long Haul: A Trucker’s Tales of Life on the Road, David Barnhizer and Daniel D. Barnhizer

PSEUDO-DEMOCRACY IN A POST-RULE OF LAW ERA, David Barnhizer and Daniel D. Barnhizer

THE DECAY OF THE “MYTH” OF THE AMERICAN RULE OF LAW, David Barnhizer and Daniel D. Barnhizer

E-Notice, Christine P. Bartholomew

Exorcising the Clergy Privilege, Christine P. Bartholomew

For the Love of the Case File, Christine P. Bartholomew

My New Year’s Resolution, Christine P. Bartholomew

The Empathy, Client-Orientated Lawyer Exercise, Christine P. Bartholomew

The Failed Superiority Experiment, Christine P. Bartholomew

Challenges Regulating Artificial Intelligence, Subhajit Basu

Disinformation and Democracy: age of “alt-truth”?, Subhajit Basu

‘Internet of Everything’: The inevitable end of Privacy?, Subhajit Basu

WhatsApp, India’s Favourite Chat App: A Threat To Democracy?, Subhajit Basu

“WhatsApp Killings” and India’s “Post-truth” Politics, Subhajit Basu

Collecting Evidence in the Emergency Department, Jayne J. Batts M.D. and Robert M. Sanger

Federalist Court: How the Federalist Society Became the De Facto Selector of Republican Supreme Court Justices, Lawrence Baum and Neal Devins

Ideological Imbalance: Why Democrats Usually Pick Moderate-Liberal Justices and Republicans Usually Pick Conservative Ones, Lawrence Baum and Neal Devins

Split Definitive, Lawrence Baum and Neal Devins

The Federalist Society Majority, Lawrence Baum and Neal Devins

The Hidden Silver Lining if Kavanaugh is Confirmed, Lawrence Baum and Neal Devins

Why the Supreme Court Cares About Elites, Not the American People, Lawrence Baum and Neal Devins

Right Result, Wrong Reason: Why the Intent Requirement in Florida v. Jardines Trespasses on the Clarity of the Fourth Amendment, Heather P. Baxter

Using Hamilton’s “Farmer Refuted” to Teach Oral Argument, Heather P. Baxter

Possession is Nine-Tenths of the Law Isn't It? The Ethical, Legal, and Practical Considerations Involving the Financial Exploitation of Seniors (Part 2), Stuart C. Bear, Mary F. Radford, and Francis J. Rondoni

Possession is Nine-Tenths of the Law Isn't It? The Ethical, Legal, Practical Considerations Involving The Financial Exploitation of Seniors (Part 1), Stuart C. Bear, Mary F. Radford, and Francis J. Rondoni

A First Look at Litigation under the Helms-Burton Act, Perry S. Bechky

CFIUS Overview, Trends & Recent Changes, Perry S. Bechky

US Sanctions & Export Controls: Implications for China, Perry S. Bechky

U.S. Sanctions: Implications for Korea, Perry S. Bechky

Moderator, Wrongfully Convicted, Rightfully Free, Sharon Beckman

Public Interest Legacy of Judge Frank M. Coffin, Sharon Beckman

Rational Basis Loses Its Bite: Justice Kennedy's Retirement Removes the Most Lethal Quill from LGBT Advocates' Equal-Protection Quiver, Brendan T. Beery

Office Hours: Let's Talk About Emoluments, Jeffrey Bellin, Michaela Lieberman, and Tara Leigh Grove

Office Hours: Just the Facts with Allison Orr Larsen, Jeffrey Bellin, Michaela Lieberman, and Allison Orr Larsen

Implicit bias in dean search process - Neitz- FINAL (1).pdf, Michele Benedetto Neitz

The Northern Ireland Broadcasting Ban: Some Reflections on Judicial Review, Geoffrey Bennett and Russell L. Weaver

The Pregnancy Penalty, Jennifer Bennett Shinall

"No relief but upon the terms of coming into the house"-Controlled Spaces, Invisible Disentitlements, and Homelessness in an Urban Shelter System, Susan D. Bennett

Disentitling the Poor: Waivers and Welfare "Reform", Susan Bennett and Kathleen A. Sullivan

Book Review: Anthroposophy’s Double Gesture: Dan McKanan’s Eco-Alchemy and Its Meaning for Goethean Science, Gigi Berardi

What Humility Isn’t: Responsibility and the Judicial Role, Benjamin L. Berger

A first look at the designs repair defence in Australia, Tyrone Berger

Calls for holistic reforms to digital platforms from Australia’s competition regulator, Tyrone Berger

Designing GUIs: Current treatment of virtual or non-physical designs in Australia, Tyrone Berger

It may be the name of a fashion style, but is it trade mark use?, Tyrone Berger

Regulating the conflicts between Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) and technological standardisation: A reform agenda for Australia, Tyrone Berger

Repurposing patented products: Inking a new test for infringement in Australia?, Tyrone Berger

Tempting to trade mark the Olympics: Beware of reputation, Tyrone Berger



Политико-правовая концепция современного конституционного устройства В. Вильсона, Leonid G. Berlyavskiy

ИСТОЧНИК ПРАВА КАК НАУЧНАЯ КАТЕГОРИЯ, Leonid G. Berlyavskiy and Svetlana N. Danihno



Alternativa a la propuesta revisión del Código Civil en cuanto al derecho civil extracontractual, Alberto Bernabe

Comentarios sobre la propuesta revisión del Código Civil: Responsabilidad Civil Extracontractual, Alberto Bernabe

Do Colleges and Universities Have a Duty to Help?: California and Massachusetts Lead the Way, Alberto Bernabe

El derecho civil extracontractual en la propuesta revisión del Código Civil de Puerto Rico, Alberto Bernabe

Is it Ethical for an Attorney to Record Phone Conversations?, Alberto Bernabe

The Venue Shuffle: Forum Selection Clauses & ERISA, Christine P. Bernstein and James A. Wooten

Children's Health Rights and the "Double Burden" of Disease, Recent Developments in Health Care Law: Partners in Innovation, Roberta M. Berry J.D., Ph.D; Lisa R. Bliss; Sylvia B. Caley; Paul Lombardo; Jerri Nims Rooker; Jonathan Todres; and Leslie E. Wolf

Children's Health Rights and the "Double Burden" of Disease, Recent Developments in Health Care Law: Partners in Innovation, Roberta M. Berry J.D., Ph.D; Lisa R. Bliss; Sylvia B. Caley; Paul Lombardo; Jerri Nims Rooker; Jonathan Todres; and Leslie E. Wolf

Unmixing the Mixed Questions: A Framework for Distinguishing Between Questions of Fact and Questions of Law in Contractual Interpretation, daniele bertolini

Does a Broad Free Exercise Right Require a Narrow Definition of Religion, Donald L. Beschle

Fake News, Deliberate Lies, and the First Amendment, 44 U. Dayton L. Rev. 209 (2019), Donald L. Beschle

A New Home for Haters - Online Home Sharing Platforms: A Look at the Applicability of the Fair Housing Act to Home Shares, 53 U. Rich. L. Rev. 903 (2019), Allison Bethel

A House with a View, Eric Biber

Conscience, Constitution, and Law in a Slaveholders Republic, Mary S. Bilder

Law, Indenture and Free Labor in the British Empire, 1640–1870, Mary S. Bilder

Originalism and History: An Interdisciplinary Discussion, Mary S. Bilder

The Constitution Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means - James Madison and the Fallacy of Intent in Constitutional Interpretation, Mary S. Bilder

The Emerging Genre of the Written Constitution, Mary S. Bilder

The Lady and George Washington: Female Genius in the Age of the Constitution, Mary S. Bilder

The Supreme Court: Basic Information, Mary S. Bilder

Toward the Sistercentennial: New Light on Women’s Participation in the American Revolution, Mary S. Bilder

The Constitution to The Constitution, Mary Sarah Bilder

The Library of Robert Morris, Antebellum Civil Rights Lawyer & Activist, Mary S. Bilder and Laurel Davis

Episode 259: American Legal History & the Bill of Rights, Mary S. Bilder, Kayla Pittman, and Jessie Kratz

Resale of Digital Works Under Copyright Laws - A Legal and Economic Analysis.pdf, Muhammad Masum Billah Dr.

Lawyers as Counselors: A Client-Centered Approach, David A. Binder, Paul B. Bergman, Paul R. Tremblay, and Ian S. Weinstein

Reflections on Reimagining Clinical Legal Education: The US Perspective, Lisa Radtke Bliss

Lenders Roles & Responsibilities Block-Lieb & Weidemaier.pdf, Susan Block-Lieb and W. Mark C. Weidemaier

What Jurors Should Know about Informants: The Need for Expert Testimony, Robert M. Bloom

Examples & Explanations: Criminal Procedure: The Constitution and the Police, Ninth Edition, Robert M. Bloom and Mark S. Brodin

Back to the Future: The Revival of Pennoyer in Personal Jurisdiction Doctrine and the Demise of International Shoe, Robert M. Bloom and Janine A. Hanrahan

America Magazine digital articles, Ellen K. Boegel

Professionalism for Law Teachers: Lessons I Learned from John Makdisi, Daniel B. Bogart

The Hearsay and Confrontation Clause Problems Caused by Admitting What a Non-Testifying Interpreter Said the Criminal Defendant Said, Zachary C. Bolitho

‘The Other Side of the Fence:’ A Learning- and Control-Based Investigation of the Impact of Deviance on Friendship Quality, John Boman, Laura E. Agnich, Bryan Lee Miller, John Stogner, and Thomas Mowen