The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
Documents from 2017
Network Neutrality and the Digital Divide, Matthew Rimmer
The Dancing Baby: Copyright Law, YouTube, and Music Videos, Matthew Rimmer
The Foxfire of Fair Use: The Google Books Litigation and the Future of Copyright Laws, Matthew Rimmer
The Global Tobacco Epidemic, the Plain Packaging of Tobacco Products, and the World Trade Organization, Matthew Rimmer
The Maker Movement: Copyright Law, Remix Culture, and 3D Printing, Matthew Rimmer
The Plain Packaging of Tobacco Products, Matthew Rimmer
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), Copyright Law, the Digital Economy, and the Pacific Century, Matthew Rimmer
The Trans Pacific Partnership: Copyright Law, the Creative Industries and Internet Freedom, Matthew Rimmer
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Intellectual property, public health, and access to essential medicines, Matthew Rimmer
The Wild West of Robot Law, Matthew Rimmer
Trump, The Trans-Pacific Partnership, Intellectual Property, Public Health, and Access to Essential Medicines, Matthew Rimmer
An Incomplete Conversation: Tax Law and Worker Classification Fights in the Sharing Economy, Diane M. Ring
Co-Founder and Contributor, Surly Subgroup Tax Blog, Diane M. Ring
Corporate Migration and Transparency and Disclosure, Diane M. Ring
Corporate Migration and Transparency and Disclosure, Diane M. Ring
Corporate Migrations and Tax Transparency and Disclosure, Diane M. Ring
Transparency, Disclosure and Developing Countries, Diane M. Ring
An Incomplete Conversation: Tax Law and the Worker Classification Fights in the Sharing Economy, Diane M. Ring and Shu-Yi Oei
Leak-Driven Law, Diane M. Ring and Shu-Yi Oei
The Senate Tax Bill and the Battles over Worker Classification, Diane M. Ring and Shu-Yi Oei
Transparency, Disclosure, and Legitimacy, Diane M. Ring and Shu-Yi Oei
Will Proposed Tax Legislation Tilt the Worker Classification Debate?, Diane M. Ring and Shu-Yi Oei
Work-Related Distortions in the Proposed Tax Bills: Understanding the Policy Conversations, Diane M. Ring and Shu-Yi Oei
La hiperinflación de los derechos fundamentales: consideraciones sobre sus límites, potencialidades y sobre su relativa indisponibilidad, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba
Regulación constitucional, internacional, canónica y penal del delito de aborto, Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba
El gobierno del Poder Judicial y la carrera judicial en México, 1917-2017. Apuntes para una historia socio-política, Julio Antonio Rios-Figueroa
Justice Institutions in Autocracies: A Framework For Analysis, Julio Antonio Rios-Figueroa and Paloma Aguilar
Constitutional Courts as Third-Party Mediators in Conflict Resolution: The Case of the Right to Prior Consultation in Latin American Countries, Julio Antonio Rios-Figueroa and Andrea Pozas-Loyo
The Transformations of the Role of the Mexican Supreme Court, Julio Antonio Rios-Figueroa and Andrea Pozas-Loyo
Competencia electoral e independencia judicial en los estados de México, 1985-2015, Julio Antonio Rios-Figueroa and Luis Soto Tamayo
Instituciones Judiciales Subnacionales en México, 1917-2014, Julio Antonio Rios-Figueroa and Luis Soto Tamayo
No Title, Michael Risch
Creatures of Circumstance: Conflicts Over Local Government Regulation of Oil and Gas, Alex Ritchie
Fracking in Louisiana: The Missing Process/Land Use Distinction in State Preemption and Opportunities for Local Participation, Alex Ritchie
Fracking in Louisiana: The Missing Process/Land Use Distinction in State Preemption and Opportunities for Local Participation, Alex Ritchie
Fracking surrounded by misinformation, Alex Ritchie
How Contract Boilerplate Can Bite, Alex Ritchie
Intermediate Sanctions: Controlling the Tax-Exempt Organization Manager, Alex Ritchie
On Local Fracking Bans: Policy and Preemption in New Mexico, Alex Ritchie
Scattered and Dissonant: The Clean Air Act, Greenhouse Gases, and Implications for the Oil and Gas Industry, Alex Ritchie
Scattershot: The Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Oil and Gas and Mining Operations, Alex Ritchie
The Handbook of Due Diligence Checklists, Alex Ritchie
Form 5 LLC: A Modest Proposal for A Limited Liability Company Agreement Based on Form 5, Alex Ritchie, James F. Cress, and Paul Smith
The Due Diligence Process and Its Impact on the Deal: A Primer on Bayoneting the Wounded, Alex Ritchie and A. John Davis
Vilifying the Vigilante: A Narrowed Scope of Citizen's Arrest, Ira P. Robbins
An Ecosystem Management Primer: History, Perceptions, and Modern Definition, Kalyani Robbins
A Practical Introduction to Environmental Law, Kalyani Robbins
Awakening the Slumbering Giant: How Horizontal Drilling Technology Brought the Endangered Species Act to Bear on Hydraulic Fracturing, Kalyani Robbins
Governing the Ungovernable: Integrating the Multimodal Approach to Keeping Agricultural Land Use from Swallowing Ecosystems, Kalyani Robbins
Missing the Link: The Importance of Keeping Ecosystems Intact and What the Endangered Species Act Suggests We Do About It, Kalyani Robbins
No-Drop Prosecution of Domestic Violence: Just Good Policy, or Equal Protection Mandate?, Kalyani Robbins
Responsible, Renewable, and Redesigned: How the Renewable Energy Movement can make Peace with the Endangered Species Act, Kalyani Robbins
Symposium: The Next Generation of Environmental and Natural Resources Law: What Has Changed in Forty Years and What Needs to Change as a Result, Kalyani Robbins
The Biodiversity Paradigm Shift: Adapting the Endangered Species Act to Climate Change, Kalyani Robbins
The Laws of Nature: Reflections on the Evolution of Ecosystem Management Law and Policy, Kalyani Robbins
Case Disposition and Its Consequences, Jenny Roberts
Client Relationships in Periods of Significant Legal and Political Change: Flexible Pedagogy to Maximize Skills Transfer, Jenny Roberts
Collateral Consequences, Jenny Roberts
Criminal Record Expungement and Re-entry: Putting Policy into Practice, Jenny Roberts
Exploring the Range of Service Opportunities and small group facilitator (Designing Your Research Agenda From Scratch), Jenny Roberts
Legal Scholarship, Jenny Roberts
Misdemeanors and Innocence, Jenny Roberts
Misdemeanor Sentencing, Jenny Roberts
Supreme Court Supports Immigrant’s Right to Understand Consequences of Conviction, Jenny Roberts
The Juvenile Justice System, Jenny Roberts
Personal View: New House Bill Strips Some Power from Local Jurisdictions, Heidi Gorovitz Robertson
Thanks to Gov. Kasich for Vetoing Poor Legislative Judgment: Letter to the Editor, Heidi Gorovitz Robertson
When States' Legislation and Constitutions Collide with Angry Locals: Shale Oil and Gas Development and Its Many Masters, Heidi Gorovitz Robertson
The Prosser Letters: Scholar as Dean, Christopher J. Robinette and Kyle Graham
My TEDx Talk: Your Narrative is Your Super-Power and My Wonderful TEDx Experience, Brandy G. Robinson
Your Narrative is Your Super-Power, Brandy G. Robinson
Pesquisar Empiricamente o Direito, Maíra Rocha Machado and Luciana L. Yeung
40 Anos de Políticas de Justiça em Portugal, Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues, Nuno Garoupa, Pedro Magalhães, Conceição Gomes, and Rui Guerra da Fonseca
The Purposive Historian, Eloisa C. Rodriguez-Dod
Tears in Heaven: Religiously and Culturally Sensitive Laws for Preventing the Next Pandemic, Eloisa C. Rodriguez-Dod, Aileen Maria Marty, and Elena Maria Marty-Nelson
The Intersection of Law, Religion, and Infectious Disease on the Handling and Disposition of Human Remains, Eloisa C. Rodriguez-Dod, Aileen M. Marty, and Elena Marty-Nelson
Remedies for Regulatory Takings (Constructive Expropriations), Deprivations, Expropriations or Custodianship in South Africa and the U.S., Christopher J. Roederer
Beyond Zero-Sum Environmentalism, contribution, Shannon Roesler
The Law of Contracts: Cases and Materials, James S. Rogers and Katharine G. Young
Duck rescuers and the freedom to protest: Levy v Victoria, Nicole Rogers
Making climate science matter in the courtroom, Nicole Rogers
Performance and pedagogy in the Wild Law Judgement Project, Nicole Rogers
The wild law judgment project, Nicole Rogers
Wild law and science (fiction), Nicole Rogers
Law as if Earth really mattered: the Wild Law Judgment Project, Nicole Rogers and Michelle Maloney
Strategic Management Practices Help Hospitals Get the Most from Volunteers, Sean Rogers Ph.D.
Intercepción de meta datos de comunicaciones a través de telefonos móviles. El IMSI Catcher y su regulación en el ordenamiento procesal penal alemán, Dario Nicolas Rolon
Empire Forgotten: The United States's Colonization of Puerto Rico, Ediberto Roman
Introduction: Immigration and the Allure of Inclusion, Ediberto Roman
Members and Outsiders: An Examination of the Models of United States Citizenship As Well As Questions Concerning European Union Citizenship, Ediberto Roman
Membership and Immigration- Today's Civil Rights Agenda part 1, Ediberto Roman
Reconstructing Self-Determination: The Role of Critical Theory in the Positivist International Law Paradigm, Ediberto Roman
Reparations and the Colonial Dilemma: The Insurmountable Hurdles and Yet Transformative Benefits, Ediberto Roman
A Race Approach to International Law (RAIL): Is There a Need for Yet Another Critique of International Law, Ediberto Román
Citizenship and Its Exclusions : a Classical, Constitutional, and Critical Race Critique, Ediberto Román