Constitutional |
1. University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law |
2. Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly |
3. BYU Journal of Public Law |
4. Saint Louis University Public Law Review |
5. Duke Journal of Constitutional Law and Public Policy |
International |
1. Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law |
2. Cornell International Law Journal |
3. Harvard International Law Journal |
4. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law |
5. Chicago-Kent Journal of International & Comparative Law |
6. Georgetown Journal of International Law |
7. New York University Journal of International Law and Politics |
8. Michigan Journal of International Law |
9. Boston University International Law Journal |
10. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law |
Law & Society |
1. Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy |
2. New York University Review of Law & Social Change |
3. Virginia Journal of Social Policy & the Law |
4. Washington University Journal of Law and Policy |
5. University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform |
6. University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy |
7. Stanford Law & Policy Review |
8. Journal of Law in Society |
9. Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal |
10. Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy |
Civil Rights |
1. Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review |
2. The Tennessee Journal of Law & Policy |
3. Stanford Journal of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties |
4. Texas Journal of Civil Liberties & Civil Rights |
5. Thurgood Marshall Law Review |
6. George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal |
7. Buffalo Public Interest Law Journal |
8. Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review |
9. Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal |
10. Richmond Journal of Law and the Public Interest |
Science & Technology |
1. Harvard Journal of Law & Technology |
2. Berkeley Technology Law Journal |
3. Virginia Journal of Law & Technology |
4. Boston University Journal of Science & Technology Law |
5. Columbia Science and Technology Law Review |
6. Duke Law & Technology Review |
7. North Carolina Journal of Law and Technology |
8. I/S: Journal of Law & Policy for the Information Society |
9. Journal of Law, Technology & Policy |
10. University of Illinois Journal of Law, Technology & Policy |
Intellectual Property |
1. Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal |
2. Michigan Telecommunications & Technology Law Review |
3. Tulane Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property |
4. Idea: The Intellectual Property Law Review |
5. Journal on Telecommunications and High Technology Law |
6. Wake Forest Intellectual Property Law Journal |
7. Journal of Intellectual Property Law |
8. Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review |
9. John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law |
10. University of Baltimore Intellectual Property Journal |
Environmental Law |
1. Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology |
2. Harvard Environmental Law Review |
3. Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum |
4. New York University Environmental Law Journal |
5. Stanford Environmental Law Journal |
6. Virginia Environmental Law Journal |
7. Virginia Environmental Law Journal |
8. Ecology Law Quarterly |
9. Fordham Environmental Law Journal |
10. William and Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review |
Human Rights |
1. Columbia Human Rights Law Review |
2. Harvard Human Rights Journal |
3. Florida Journal of International Law |
4. Buffalo Human Rights Law Review |
5. St. Thomas Human Rights Law Review |
6. Yale Human Rights and Development Law Journal |
7. African-American Law & Policy Report |
8. Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Rights Law |
9. Michigan State Journal of Gender Law |
10. Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice |
Sexuality & The Law |
1. Columbia Journal of Gender and Law |
2. Michigan Journal of Gender & Law |
3. Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law |
4. Yale Journal of Law and Feminism |
5. Harvard Journal of Law & Gender |
6. American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy, and the Law |
7. Berkeley Women's Law Journal |
8. Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy |
9. William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law |
10. Texas Journal of Women and the Law |