2006 ExpressO Law Review Submissions Guide

Top Law Reviews within the Most Popular Subjects

1. University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law
2. Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly
3. BYU Journal of Public Law
4. Saint Louis University Public Law Review
5. Duke Journal of Constitutional Law and Public Policy
1. Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law
2. Cornell International Law Journal
3. Harvard International Law Journal
4. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law
5. Chicago-Kent Journal of International & Comparative Law
6. Georgetown Journal of International Law
7. New York University Journal of International Law and Politics
8. Michigan Journal of International Law
9. Boston University International Law Journal
10. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law
Law & Society
1. Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy
2. New York University Review of Law & Social Change
3. Virginia Journal of Social Policy & the Law
4. Washington University Journal of Law and Policy
5. University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform
6. University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy
7. Stanford Law & Policy Review
8. Journal of Law in Society
9. Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal
10. Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy
Civil Rights
1. Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review
2. The Tennessee Journal of Law & Policy
3. Stanford Journal of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
4. Texas Journal of Civil Liberties & Civil Rights
5. Thurgood Marshall Law Review
6. George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal
7. Buffalo Public Interest Law Journal
8. Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review
9. Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal
10. Richmond Journal of Law and the Public Interest
Science & Technology
1. Harvard Journal of Law & Technology
2. Berkeley Technology Law Journal
3. Virginia Journal of Law & Technology
4. Boston University Journal of Science & Technology Law
5. Columbia Science and Technology Law Review
6. Duke Law & Technology Review
7. North Carolina Journal of Law and Technology
8. I/S: Journal of Law & Policy for the Information Society
9. Journal of Law, Technology & Policy
10. University of Illinois Journal of Law, Technology & Policy
Intellectual Property
1. Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal
2. Michigan Telecommunications & Technology Law Review
3. Tulane Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property
4. Idea: The Intellectual Property Law Review
5. Journal on Telecommunications and High Technology Law
6. Wake Forest Intellectual Property Law Journal
7. Journal of Intellectual Property Law
8. Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review
9. John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law
10. University of Baltimore Intellectual Property Journal
Environmental Law
1. Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology
2. Harvard Environmental Law Review
3. Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum
4. New York University Environmental Law Journal
5. Stanford Environmental Law Journal
6. Virginia Environmental Law Journal
7. Virginia Environmental Law Journal
8. Ecology Law Quarterly
9. Fordham Environmental Law Journal
10. William and Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review
Human Rights
1. Columbia Human Rights Law Review
2. Harvard Human Rights Journal
3. Florida Journal of International Law
4. Buffalo Human Rights Law Review
5. St. Thomas Human Rights Law Review
6. Yale Human Rights and Development Law Journal
7. African-American Law & Policy Report
8. Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Rights Law
9. Michigan State Journal of Gender Law
10. Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice
Sexuality & The Law
1. Columbia Journal of Gender and Law
2. Michigan Journal of Gender & Law
3. Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law
4. Yale Journal of Law and Feminism
5. Harvard Journal of Law & Gender
6. American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy, and the Law
7. Berkeley Women's Law Journal
8. Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy
9. William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law
10. Texas Journal of Women and the Law