FAQ for Authors

To use ExpressO, you will need to create an account. Click on My Account, click Sign up, and complete the form provided. After you receive our confirmation email, click on the link in the email to confirm your account. Now you may begin!

Once set up, you can modify your account information at any time, including your email address and/or password, by accessing the Edit Profile link on your My Account page.

If you forget your password, please click the Forget your password? link and the system will send you your password immediately by email.

With the Remember Me option selected, your password and email address are remembered even after closing your browser so you do not need to log in each time you visit the site.

If you have trouble logging in, i.e., you think that you have a valid account, but the system will not recognize it or send you your password, please:

  1. Double-check you are using the same email address that you used to create the account
  2. Double-check that both the username and the password are spelled correctly (passwords are case-sensitive)

If you are still unable to access your account, please contact for assistance.

  1. Set up your ExpressO account
  2. Have your manuscript ready to upload (a cover letter and CV are optional but strongly recommended)
  3. Have a credit card handy for payment.
    • We accept VISA, MasterCard or American Express. If your school has an account, then the charges may be either partially or fully covered.
    • To see if your institution has an ExpressO account, please visit our ExpressO Institutional Accounts page.
  4. Be sure to watch our ExpressO Video Tutorials for Authors for step-by-step instructions

Please check the list on our ExpressO Institutional Accounts page. In order to use your school's ExpressO institutional account, your email address must either be included on their authorized user list or use a domain (i.e., law.marin.edu) approved by the school. Be sure to check with your Dean to see if you are permitted to use their institutional account.

You can use any browser you wish to make your ExpressO submission, though we generally recommend using a modern browser, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. For Internet Explorer, we support versions IE8 and above. If you are using one of these IE versions, you may need to un-check your compatibility view (available under Tools in your File menu).

Simply check the box next to the desired law reviews. Law reviews are in alphabetical order – use the Next button to advance through the list. You can also search by title, browse by subject area, and by Top 100 ranking (based on Washington & Lee's Law Journals Rankings).

The law review is no longer receiving submissions this season, and it cannot be selected. To see the complete list of reviews that are temporarily closed, please visit our temporarily full list.

Note that if a review is grayed out but does not appear on the full list, you may be submitting from an account that is associated with an ExpressO Institutional Student Account, and the law review is closed to student works (noted with Closed to students next to the review title). If you are a faculty member and not able to select reviews that are Closed to students, please contact .

Yes, ExpressO provides an admin feature that allows you to use your own account to make a submission on behalf of someone else. On the Article Information page, your information will by default appear under the Author(s) section as you are logged in under your account. However, to reflect the correct author, click on the green plus + sign and enter the author's email address, name, and institution. Then, remove yourself by clicking on the person icon with the red x next to your name on the author list so that only the actual author is listed.

While there is no limit to how many categories you can select, we recommend that you choose only those categories relevant to the topic of your paper, which is generally no more than 3 or 4.

ExpressO accepts Microsoft Word (.doc and .docx), PDF, or WordPerfect files.

The most common approach is to address your cover letter to "Dear Editors". We do not mail-merge cover letters or individualize them. Whether or not ExpressO is used as the delivery mechanism, law review editors are aware that authors are submitting to multiple law reviews simultaneously.

The last step in the ExpressO submission process allows you to review your submission metadata and make any revisions before sending. To revise any part of the metadata (i.e., title, subject categories) or upload a revised article, CV, or cover letter, click on the Revise My Submission button. Likewise, you can also revise your law review selection by clicking on the Revise My Law Review Selection button. Click Continue to get back to the Review and Payment page.

Note: Be sure that all of the information you have entered and documents is correct; you cannot modify or edit your submission once it has been sent to your selected law reviews.

If you are prompted to pay for your submission, you either logged in with an email address that is not approved by your institution (either not included on your institution's list of authorized users or does not use an approved domain), or your school's ExpressO institutional account may have a set submission credit limit.

If you believe you are being prompted to pay in error, do not complete your submission. We neither provide refunds nor transfer charges. Please contact your institution or .

All submissions are sent electronically and delivered immediately.

Yes. You will receive via email an electronic receipt of your submission, including a list of the law reviews you selected. You may also view your delivery information on your My Account page, via the Manage My Submissions link.

It may take a few minutes before delivery information appears under the Manage My Submissions link on your account. Note that if you substituted your default email address with a different author address while completing the Article Information page, your submission will only be available under the substituted address. For example, if you logged into ExpressO under your institutional address to make a submission, i.e., jane.author@law.marin.edu, but replaced this address with your personal email address under the Author(s) section, i.e., jane.author@gmail.com, the submission will be available in ExpressO under the jane.author@gmail.com address.

ExpressO automatically confirms the delivery and receipt of your submission on behalf of your selected law reviews. However, some review editors may contact you directly as a courtesy. Contact from editors depends on the policy of each review.

Yes. Click Manage My Submissions on your My Account to see a full record of submissions. Click on an article title to see your delivery list.

Note that the default view is your Active queue. If you withdrew your submission from any review or if editors have rejected your submission, these reviews will appear in your Inactive queue. Click on the Inactive link on the left side bar under Submission Details to access.

Because your article is delivered immediately to your selected law reviews, your submission cannot be modified. However, there are a few options available in case you need to make corrections. If the changes are significant, we generally recommend starting a new submission. This will allow you to include an updated CV and cover letter, as well as incorporate any changes that you may have made in your main text. This does require that you withdraw your initial submission before making a new one, so as not to confuse editors. Note that we feature integrated auto-withdraw, so if you do need to withdraw and make another submission, the previous submission no longer appears on the editor's Manage Submissions queue.

Of course, if the changes are minor, you may notify editors using the Email editors feature available via your Manage My Submissions page.

You can send expedite request to one or more law reviews from the submission details screen. Select the desired law reviews, and click Continue (next to the Expedite option). Select the offering review in the My Current Offers section, and select your date and time in the Contact Law Reviews section. Note that the Response requested by date is the date you wish editors to send their decision. Note that time is also required, and must be entered in 12-hour format, i.e., 05:30, 12:30 (select AM or PM). To complete your expedite request, click Send.

Law reviews set specific preferences that allow them to better prioritize expedites. This popular feature includes setting a preferred number of simultaneous expedite requests. For example, say a law review sets this number at 50, and then the author sends their expedite request to 50 or fewer law reviews, the request will be placed on the law review's priority expedite list. If another author chooses to send a expedite request to more than 50 reviews simultaneously, that author's request will not be tagged as priority.

Upon receiving an uncertified expedite request from an author, law reviews often must contact an author to confirm the offer is accurate and valid, and this takes valuable time. However, if the offer came via ExpressO, then ExpressO can display a green check mark of certification on the expedite request. When authors complete their Expedite Request form, they will be asked Do you want us to certify this offer? and they should select Yes to receive certification.

Whether or not you select Yes, all expedite requests are delivered to the law reviews you selected.

Yes. Simply generate a new expedite request to the same reviews to replace the previous request. The most recent request will appear in the editor's view through their online account.

Yes. From your My Account page, click on the Manage My Submissions link and select Withdraw from the drop-down box under Contact Editors. Next, check mark which reviews you wish to withdraw from consideration, and click Continue. Be sure to review your law review selection and click Send to complete the action.

ExpressO allows you send correspondence to law review editors. On the Submission Details page of your submission, select Email from the drop-down box and click Continue. Modify the subject and body text before clicking Send.

As an added feature, all of your correspondence to law reviews (expedites, withdraws, and general emails) generated through your ExpressO account is retained as part of your submission records. Simply click on the Details button under the Last Correspondence column.

Yes. Click Make More Deliveries on the Submission Details page of your previously sent submission. No need to enter your submission metadata and upload your article, cover letter and CV again: simply select more reviews and submit.

Sharing a "working" version of a paper with other legal scholars rarely interferes with the publication of your paper. There are a few reviews, however, that ask authors to remove all previous versions of their papers. If you receive such a request, you can simply withdraw your article from your SelectedWorks site. A link to your SelectedWorks site is available on your My Account page.