Rodrigo's Riposte: the Mismatch Theory of Law School Admissions
The chronicle proceeds as a dialogue between the fictional alter ego, Rodrigo Crenshaw, and an older professor. After meeting in Rodrigo’s city, the two friends, joined later by “Giannina,” go out to dinner. Rodrigo, who is on his law school’s admissions committee, has been thinking about affirmative action.
Prompted by his conservative colleague “Laz,” Rodrigo has formulated a several-pronged attack on Sander’s premise that “stairstep” admissions (and, later, law firm hiring) just hurts the cause of black lawyers.
The professor presses Rodrigo to defend his views, and the arrival of Giannina requires him to articulate them even more. You will enjoy the lively give-and-take among these three intellectuals of color.
Civil Rights and Discrimination | Legal Education | Legal Profession
Date of this Version
August 2007
Recommended Citation
Richard Delgado, "Rodrigo's Riposte: the Mismatch Theory of Law School Admissions" (August 2007). University of Pittsburgh School of Law Working Paper Series. Working Paper 60.
First published in 57 Syracuse L. Rev. 637 (2007)