The Pervasiveness of Culture in Conflict
Law faculty and scholars are increasingly cognizant of the role of culture in dispute resolution. This essay offers a beginning roadmap for exploring the cultural context of conflict. It begins by considering how to assess our own cultural profiles, highlighting some useful social science constructs for this purpose. It then discusses how our interactive perception of others’ cultural profiles makes a difference. The essay also explores the tensions between, on one hand, the pervasiveness of culture in conflict and, on the other hand, American legal traditions that appear contrary to the incorporation of culture into dispute resolution processes.
Dispute Resolution and Arbitration
Date of this Version
Recommended Citation
Pat Chew, "The Pervasiveness of Culture in Conflict" (May 2003). University of Pittsburgh School of Law Working Paper Series. Working Paper 1.
Final draft was published in Journal of Legal Education, Vol. 54, Number 1 (March 2004), pp. 60-71.