If you are unsure whether your institution has an account, you may email us at . You can also check the list on our ExpressO Institutional Accounts page, to see if your institution has an account.
We offer two accounts, the ExpressO Institutional Account and the ExpressO Institutional Student Account. The ExpressO Institutional Account is specific for faculty and staff, while the ExpressO Student Account is designed for student authors.
No. Students are not allowed on your faculty account.
You may choose between the Open Account Plan or the Complete Prepaid Plan. With the Open Account Plan, you pay according to actual usage every six months. You have the option to set up a per-submission credit limit at any amount you wish. The Complete Prepaid Plan offers you unlimited submissions at an annual rate. Please see our Pricing section for specific cost information as well as links the sign up forms.
Either the dean's office or your school's library typically pays for the service.
If you choose the Open Account Plan, you are billed every six months. Billing occurs twice a year beginning in April for the preceding six months, then again in October. For the Complete Prepaid Plan, we automatically send you an invoice at least a month prior to your start date (based on your original sign up date).
Yes. For Open Account Plan users, we itemize the receipts in this way in order for you better to track the usage of your ExpressO account. For Prepaid Plan users, we can provide a detailed deliveries report of account usage upon request.
Yes. Your institution can create per-submission dollar limits for your account. Note that this limit is per-submission only, and is not a daily or annual limit. The limits only apply to the Open Account Plan.
No. Any credit limit set is uniform for all authorized users.
Schools that use the Open Account Plan may switch to the Complete Prepaid Plan for electronic submissions at any time. Schools may switch from the Complete Prepaid Plan to the Open Account Plan when the annual license is up for renewal.
We can typically set up and activate the account within one business day upon receipt of the completed sign-up form.